Documentary film director
Documentary photographer
Graphic artist

The family of a migrant worker who was imprisoned in Russia for three to five years for the unintentional death of a colleague on a construction site. The mother, Mastura, earns a living by helping her neighbors with household chores and washing dishes at weddings. The youngest daughter was only one week old when her father left for work. Aravan rayon, Osh oblast.

Kyrgyzstan. Batken region. Woman gazing at a large farm in the absence of the men who went to work in Russia. Wife's of many labor migrants see their husbands once every several years. To save money to be able to acquire a house men work from 3 to 7 years.

Moscow. Morgue at the hospital number 9. GRUZ -200 (dead body cargo). 19 year-old citizen of Uzbekistan Abdusamad Fazliddinov hanged himself in insolation at preliminary detention number 4 after illegal interrogations conducted with him without a lawyer.

The family of a migrant worker who was imprisoned in Russia for three to five years for the unintentional death of a colleague on a construction site. The mother, Mastura, earns a living by helping her neighbors with household chores and washing dishes at weddings. The youngest daughter was only one week old when her father left for work. Aravan rayon, Osh oblast.